FoAM - Earth
FoAM Earth is a nomadic entity of the FoAM network, exploring futurecrafting as a way of re-enchanting the present. True to FoAM’s motto “grow your own worlds”, we create propositions, immersive situations and (peak) experiences. As an act of resistance against dystopian fears of uncertainty, we cultivate kinship networks and circumstances for conviviality and collaboration, while exploring animist approaches to time, attunement and interconnectedness as transformative practices for contemporary techno-materialist culture. Our works and ways of working invoke new worlds, summon echoes of voices otherwise unheard to entice collective imagination and solidarity.
In order to align the work itself with our ways of living and working, FoAM Earth experiments with distributed forms of financing, administration and sharing infrastructure, while navigating between (post-capitalist) open-resource ethics and mainstream economic realities.
(send us an email)
- Anarchive
- Arka Kinari
- Certainty Ltd.
- Dust & Shadow
- Dust & Shadow soundwalk
- Future Fabulators
- groWorld
- Institute for Experiments with Business (IBEX)
- Marine CoLABoration
- Open Sauces
- Radmin
- Resonances
- Scent Imprints & Mnemonic Trails
- Spectres in change
- Superject
- Tasting tomorrow
- The Infinite Table
- The Institute for Experiments with Business (Ibex)
- The Viriditas Chapel
- A Green Guide
- An Ephemeral Garden
- Arka Kinari (May/June 2022)
- Art, Technology and The Cosmos
- As systems crumble...
- As the crows fly...
- Becoming Realists of a Larger Reality
- By the Means at Hand
- Cloud Pergola
- Coded Matter(s): Terra Fiction
- Convivia, refugia. Not always everywhere
- Dust and shadow. Fieldnotes #1
- Dust and shadow. Fieldnotes #2
- Dust and shadow. Fieldnotes #3
- Dust & Shadow in The Future of Print
- FoAM in Design Decode
- "Fungi make worlds..."
- Futurecrafting in Cornwall with FoAM Earth
- Gathered & Scattered (Yuletide soundtrack)
- Innovation: Taking Risks or Making Risks?
- In the gloaming...
- Life, life support and the afterlives of (im)possible worlds
- Moving in a pandemic
- Open call: Dust & Shadow Reader #2. On Attunement
- Open Studio at FoAM Kernow
- Plotting a path
- RADMIN Reflections
- Räucherwerk
- Seed Crystal
- Spectres in Change. Fieldnotes #2
- Start from not knowing...
- Techniques Journal: Animating Worlds
- To care, to cure, to comfort (pandemic remix)
- Viridian & Virescent
- Voids within Voids
- Will this burn down my house?
- Acoustic Ecology Salon
- Aesthetics and Ethics in the Digital Age
- Alchorisma
- Anarchive!
- Anticipation Conference
- A printer party
- Archived Futures Harvest
- Art, AI and Everything Else
- At the Edges of Knowledge
- Attunement to the desert
- Climate and Sustainability Action Week
- Climate and Sustainability Action Week
- Cloud Pergola: Ephemeral Garden
- Creating interdisciplinary collaboration
- Dark arts, grey areas and other contingencies
- Dust & Shadow walk
- Feral Business Research Network
- Feral MBA - Inception
- Feral MBA - Succession
- FoAM at UCSB
- Futures Brought to Life
- Handle with Care
- Innovation: Taking risks or making risks?
- Konstelacije / Constellations
- Ne Radi Sam
- NPT x CAA: How do you know what you know? Exercises in Attentiveness
- RADMIN 2019
- Re-enchanting the present
- REVEIL 2023
- Rooted Hauntology Lab / Séance #1
- Spectres in change Salon
- Tasting Tomorrow: Fieldwork
- Tasting Tomorrow: Futurecrafting
- Terra Fiction
- The Art of Futuring
- The Art of Futuring Workshop
- The Ocean Connects Us
- The overlooked and the unheard
- The Thorny Question of Art and Economy: A Conversation Piece
- Vernissage: Dust & shadow acoustic ecology salon
- A Futurist's Fieldguide
- A Lab Approach for Marine CoLABoration
- An Anarchive
- Anarchive Soundscapes
- Approaching the Inexplicable
- Arka Kinari Logbook
- Ars Vitae Volume 08
- Dark arts, grey areas and other contingencies
- Dark Arts, Grey Areas and Other Contingencies
- Design and Futures
- dust & shadow 12"
- Dust & Shadow Fieldnotes
- Dust & Shadow Reader #1
- Dust & Shadow Reader #2
- Dust & Shadow | Redux
- Dust & Shadow Soundwalk
- Enacting Futures in Postnormal Times
- Ephemeral Garden
- “From that historically brief quite opaque moment..."
- GroWorld: Experiments in vegetal culture
- groWorld HPI
- “how the terms ‘mind’ and ‘matter’ are abstractions which in their concreteness are identical”
- In anticipation of things already present.
- Innovation: Taking Risks or Making Risks?
- Life, life support and the afterlives of (im)possible worlds
- Making Things Physical
- Open Sauces
- Organic Abstraction
- PARN: Physical and Alternate Reality Narratives
- Post Glacial Rebound
- Prehearsal Pocket Guide
- Prehearsing the Future
- RADMIN Reader 2020
- Some Lithic Attunement Exercises
- stillness (series)
- Terrafictions
- The Art of Futuring
- the passage - nightly build
- Transient Patchiness: The Slippery Territories of groWorld