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5 Things with FoAM
Some Lithic Attunement Exercises
Exploring the geological substrates of digital technology in a series of lithic attunement exercises.
The Art of Futuring
A brief introduction to Futures for artists and culture makers.
Innovation: Taking Risks or Making Risks?
How can engineers, entrepreneurs and technopreneurs embrace complexity and uncertainty, in order to act in meaningful ways, whatever the future may bring?
Interview FoAM. Speculative Edu
How to use design to speculate about possible futures? Interview with FoAM's co-founders Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney for Speculative Edu.
Dark arts, grey areas and other contingencies
Exploring economic and cultural grey areas to reclaim tools of business administration as an artistic medium.
The work of care in the Anthropocene is a struggle with scale and scope and sentience. If we assume that the entire material bestiary has some form of sentience, how do we respond to climate change or mass extinction?
Comment faire soi-mĂŞme... avec l'aide des experts
[EN] How citizen-driven research advocates ended up organizing a workshop with university experts?[FR] Comment des avocats de la recherche autonome et citoyenne dans des laboratoires associatifs en sont venus à organiser un événement avec des experts universitaires?
In anticipation of things already present.
FoAM's views on futures, uncertainty, attunement and transformation. This article is adapted from FoAM's lecture-performance at the "Anticipation 2017".
A Lab Approach for Marine CoLABoration
Using the lab approach to enhance flows of knowledge in the environmental sector, thereby developing the capacity needed to improve the health of the ocean.
FoAM has left the building...
A memoir of 'The Great Ephemeralisation of FoAM bxl', a conscious closure of 14 years of FoAM's studio on Koolmijnenkaai in Brussels.
La science n'est pas réservée aux scientifiques (professionnels)
Visitons ensemble un espace partagé où des citoyens développent par eux-mêmes les techniques nécessaires à leur vie quotidienne.
Growing self representational life forms & some dusty software archaeology
Sometimes you stumble over a dusty collection of source code you haven't thought about for years and can't even really remember writing. This article is about a bit of software archaeology, Moore’s law and procedurally generating alien lifeforms.
Het verlangen te kunnen omdenken
Een burn-out ontstaat wanneer de kloof tussen je eigen diepe overtuigingen en de overlevingspatronen van je dagelijkse praktijk te groot geworden is. Daar waar passie en onmacht elkaar ontmoeten. Elk tijdperk kent zijn valstrikken, en uitgeput zijn is van alle tijden. Wat echter telt, is hoe we ermee omgaan.
Thriving in Uncertainty
Thriving in Uncertainty discusses the uses of idleness and inhabiting transitions in and beyond the world of arts and culture.
Prehearsal Pocket Guide
This is a step-by-step guide to holding prehearsals for home futurists, distributed collectives and people with complex life-changing questions. It is a work in progress which has been tested with individuals and small groups, and will be revised and refined as more prehearsals are realised.
Borrowed Scenery: Cultivating an Alternate Reality
Inspired by 'Borrowed Scenery' gardening, FoAM developed an alternate reality narrative about a plant-inspired world, unfolding through hints, suggestions and immersive ambiance.
Prehearsing the Future
At FoAM we wondered how we could “rehearse” a possible future before it came to pass. How we could experience living in different scenarios and observe our reactions to them. Would such an immersive experience change our views about which scenarios might be most desirable? Could we cultivate more resilient mindsets and behaviours (i.e. being able to adapt and respond to challenging conditions, without loosing the essence of who we are and what we want to do) by “rehearsing” a future scenario?
Approaching the Inexplicable
In the slow swarm of light they remain silent, luminous. Eyes in the place of eyes, Ears in the place of ears, tongues tasting chemical gradients across the fungal network of thread-like cells.
Unmanned Aerial Ecologies
In many ways, media artists are uniquely qualified to frame a contemporary conversation about drones. Because today to have an interest in drone technologies, whether for military or civilian use, is to have a concern with, and interest in, the networked information space in which they belong. And that is the space that media artists, particularly artists who work from a tactical media perspective, are experts in.
The Story of Tarot
Tarot is a pack of cards used from mid-fifteenth century to play card games, and includes Tarocchi/Tarocchini in Italy, Tarot in France and Tarock in Germany. However, Tarot is best known as a divination tool, popularised in the eighteenth century by mystics and occultists of Europe, used for discovering and expanding mental and spiritual pathways. Since then, Tarot has developed into an elaborate fortune-telling system.
Words which Matter to People
Resilience is a technical term, one which has spread along with the influence of systems thinking and come into use in a widening range of academic and professional fields. But it has no cultural roots; which is to say, it is not grounded in the experience of people’s lives and the ways in which people have made sense of that experience. Instead, with its aura of expert detachment, it belongs to that category of words by which we hold things at a distance. I doubt that anyone would joke about resilience in the way that Finns can joke about sisu, and for this reason I doubt that anyone can take it so seriously.
Fashion Ecologies
The Evolving Field Of Responsive, Sustainable Textiles