Institute for Experiments with Business (IBEX)

The Institute for Experiments with Business (Ibex) is an emergent research entity, situated within the FoAM network. Its interest is to collect, conduct and report on experiments in and with business, including new and wild takes on organisational staples such as budgets, contracts, organisational form, business coaching and the business plan. Connected research and activities include RADMIN, Britain's first festival of Administration (and associated publications and retreats) the Feral MBA, a radically different kind of training course in business for artists (and others), and Feral Business Coaching, an ongoing project to undo and recode the fundaments of business advice.


The idea for the Institute emerges out of conversations between Kate Rich and FoAM Earth, and draws upon the wider FoAM network as a community of knowledge, practice, infrastructure, deals, encounter, experimentation and exchange.

More information: ibex@fo.amThe Feral MBAThe Feral MBA