Futures Brought To Life

In line with the statement "While the future may not be predictable, it is certainly imaginable," Futures Brought to Life assumes that the immediate experience of and practical engagement with future issues enhances our perception and imagination of the future.
This publication reflects on the theory and practice of futures thinking, future design, art-based research, physical narratives, world-building, scenario development, and interlinked related areas. The book is of interest to and informative for anyone who wants to use artistic research as a basis for inspiring active possibilities for action in emerging futures.

With contributions by from Anab Jain (Superflux), Chris Woebken & Elliott Montgomer (Extrapolation Factory), Katharina Unger, Alex Davies, Maja Kuzmanovic & Nik Gaffney (FoAM), José Ramos, Paul Graham Raven, The Yes Men, Lucy Kimbell, Scott Smith & Susan Cox-Smith (Changeist), Sophie Howe and Stuart Candy, alongside thoughts from other individuals striving for visionary futures thinking, including Jeremy Bentham, Vice Chair of Global Energy Scenarios at the World Energy Council, Claire Marshall, a transdisciplinary scientist at the University of Technology Sydney, Julian Bleecker, founder of the Near Future Laboratories, Barbara Prainsack & Hendrik Wagenaar, Ilija Trojanow, and others.

Publisher: University for Applied Arts Vienna
Editors: Time's Up
This publication is part of Curiouser and Curiouser, cried Alice: Rebuilding Janus from Cassandra and Pollyanna (CCA), an art-based research project from Design Investigations (ID2) at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Time’s Up. It is supported by the Programme for Arts-based Research (PEEK) from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): AR561.