Minutiae – Exhibition of Work in Progress

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Minutiae will explore theories of evolution focussing on microscopic organisms. Analogy will be made to larger-scale creatures/objects/humans in order to create an understandable narrative. Some areas of interest: single-celled organisms: the communication between Coccolithophores / Phytoplankton / Diatoms/ slime mould, etc., perhaps leading to the suggestion that complex multicellular creatures such as humans are in fact made up of single-celled organisms that come together in a societal structure.

Genetics: how do genes figure in this theory? Are they a means for communication between the cells developed from the very beginning when the cells needed to specify their role within the “society”? What information then do genes carry? Could a single gene reveal our entire evolutionary history? (Solexa Genetics, Cambridge) Looking back in time: if single-celled organisms are the origins of life, by exploring previously uncharted territory such as areas of Antarctica could we get a glimpse of how we began and how we developed into the complex “creature” that we are now? 

Life on Mars: is there evidence of life on Mars? Are simple organisms such as Cyanobacteria that exist in very extreme conditions such as Antarctica an example of life on other planets? (Charlie Cockell, Astrobiologist at the British Antarctic Survey) Chronological taxonomy: Is it possible to make an evolutionary timeline through comparing species, i.e. stages of development from single cell > jellyfish > man?

The Evolve Programme is supported by the Flemish Ministry of Culture. Temporal Manifestation was shortlisted for Sci-Art (2001) and was a Future Physical Research Commission in association with the Junction and assisted by the Babraham Institute (2002/3).
