LG – Time’s Up
A Luminous Green satellite event, organised by Time’s Up and the Guild for Reality Integrators and Generators.
Luminous Green is an attempt to become more aware of our own ecological and human responsibilities. A moment’s pause, deceleration and self-reflection are a common core. At the workshop in Linz Time’s Up would like to establish a widely self-sufficient environment and talk about aspects concerning new socio-political models. Activists, manufacturers and researchers will work on small communal structures, outline their ideas with regard to the environmentally friendly usage of future worlds and encourage boundary-transcending confrontations and debates.
In order to encourage independent researchers and practitioners to attend, there is no participation fee. Time’s Up will provide subsistence for people that register until Wednesday 22nd October. For registration and any inquiries please contact workshop@timesup.org.
- FoAM – Grow your own worlds: http://fo.am
- Andreas Strauss – Build your own jacuzzi - http://andreasstrauss.com
- Folke Köbberling – City as resource: http://www.folkekoebberling.de
- Christian Siefkes – Peer economy: http://www.siefkes.net
- Paul Schausberger – Filtering water: http://economyaustria.at/Text/?id=2889840