Finding Song Home

Finding Song Home is a new bicycle opera now being made for Brussels by Kaffe Matthews and the Bicrophonic Research Institute. It uses the BRI software system made by David Griffiths being enhanced by Tom Keene.
Commissioned by opera house La Monnaie de La Munt and Q-O2, it will open on 9 and 10 May and run until June 2016.
We would also like to invite you on Sunday 10 May to celebrate this collaboration at the Maison des Cultures/Huis van Culturen at rue Mommaertstraat 4 in 1080 Brussel, between 14h and 18h.
The libretto for the opera has been written through a workshop period during Matthews’ residency in Brussels. The sounds and stories of immigrant communities in Brussels will be revealed, documented, rewritten and fictionalised together to create the work. Finding Song Home will not only bring diverse communities together, but it will engender new skills and inspire action for future works.
Eight new sonic bikes have been created for this work and will remain in Brussels to be developed, maintained and used by others for future projects. Read more about this work on the dedicated web page Finding Song Home.
Also available 12 to 30 mai 2015 during opening times at:
Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale/Huis van Culturen en Sociale Samenhang Molenbeek
Rue Mommaertsstraat 4, 1080 Brussel
Tuesday–Friday 12:00–17:00
Saturday 11:00–18:00 and by appointment
+32 465 80 76 08