Residency Cocky Eek

When confronted with contemporary environmental questions, one thing became very clear: out of fear or guilt we can’t create anything. In view of this, Cocky chose the theme of “lightness” as a topic for her research residency. Italo Calvino emphasises this quality in Six Memos for the Next Millennium, where he describes a scene from Cernavantes’ novel in which Don Quixote drives his lance through the sail of a windmill and is hoisted up into the air. Cocky wondered whether we could begin to construct our worlds from this lightness. She imagined a life that is lighter, more mobile, flexible, portable, organic, closely related to the natural surroundings and the elements. Her dream is to be able to create homes and shelters wherever our heart is, with no fixed form, no clear beginnings or ends – spatially or temporally. The question guiding her research is: how can we construct our worlds from air, the lightest element around us?