Plant Stories Walk

This event has passed

[NL] Net zoals de torens en kathedralen hebben de stadsbomen van Gent een eigen verhaal te vertellen.  Ze vormen kerken of kandelaars, bezorgen ons vruchten, zuurstof en medicijnen, beschermen ons tegen heksen of blikseminslag.  Laat de bladeren ruisen en leer onze bomen kennen op deze wandeling langs de gezelligste groenplekjes van de stad.

[EN] Join FoAM and Vanessa Debruyne on a wander through Gent to meet your plant neighbours and hear their stories. We will encounter historic trees that have found their feet in the streets of Ghent and have silently shaped the city.

After the walk we will have an afternoon tea at the Snoepwinkel, in the honour of Hildegard von Bingen, a medieval mystic, herbalist and composer, who will be canonised this October on the 7th and declared the 35th Doctor of the Church.

Plant stories walk is part of Borrowed Scenery, one of the three projects from Electrified III: The Responsive City (a collaboration between Vooruit and SMAK).


Snoepwinkel, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 21, 9000 Gent, Belgium
Get directions: Google maps


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