Thematics 🛠 These five thematic journeys provide signposts amid diverse contents on this website, from the conviviality of the dinner table to the turbulent uncertainties of our current times.
Mapping the silver route 📝 A canvas of possibilities from the 'silver route', expanding surface where gathered fragments challenge how digital worlds are built and bound.
Certainty Ltd. 🛠 Certainty Ltd. offers support for personal and organisational transitions, including strategic unplanning, critical uncertainty diagnostics, VUCA therapy, ambient foresight, and bespoke situational awareness.
Institute for Experiments with Business (IBEX) 🛠 The Institute for Experiments with Business (Ibex) is an emergent research entity working with the potential of transformative experiments across culture, art and business.
Wabi-sabi: Weathering Transience 📚️ An edited reader which dwells with the transient, incomplete, and unnoticed.
Scent Imprints & Mnemonic Trails 🛠 In Which a Profusion of Words is Distilled into Six Evanescent Fragrances
Crystal: Navigating Uncertainty 📚️ An edited reader for acting, relating, and hesitating in uncertain times. Wading hip-deep in our thick present, contributors share stories, experiences, and techniques to seed new realities and grow your own worlds.
A Crystal Guide 📝 Introduction to 'Crystal: Navigating Uncertainty', an edited reader for acting, relating, and hesitating in these uncertain times.
A Green Guide 📝 Marking this year's Earth Day with excerpts from 'Green: Multispecies Entanglings', a reader from FoAM's Anarchive.
Green: Multispecies Entanglings 📚️ Concerning reciprocal relations with the living world; the plants, animals, landscapes, and other beings with whom we share this planet.
Anarchive 🛠 The Anarchive looks at FoAM’s multi-decade existence from different vantage points, to unearth or revisit things that can have generative potential for the here-and-now and the yet-to-come.
Fieldguide to Machine Wilderness 📚️ Book collecting research of the Machine Wilderness artist-in-residency program in ARTIS Royal Zoo