Long Now Brussels Meetup – March 02011

This event has passed

For this March’s Long Now Brussels meetup we’ll be checking out Rachel Sussman’s Long Now talk entitled “The World’s Oldest Living Organisms.” Rachel Sussman is a photographer whose works have been showcased throughout Europe and North America. (Perhaps you’ve seen some of her work already.) Her project has carried her around the world to document ancient lifeforms. In her 02010 talk at TED Global in Oxford she summarized her project thusly: “The project is part art and part science. There’s an environmental component. And I’m also trying to create a means in which to step outside our quotidian experience of time and to start to consider a deeper timescale. I selected 2,000 years as my minimum age because I wanted to start at what we consider to be year zero and work back from there.”

  • For more background you can check out her portfolio: http://rachelsussman.com/portfolios/OLTW/main.html
  • her project blog http://www.oltw.blogspot.com/
  • or her TED talk http://www.ted.com/talks/rachel_sussman_the_world_s_oldest_living_things.html.

This talk runs about 90 minutes so we will start the video promptly at 19:15. (Please try to be on time!) Also, as we provide refreshments, an RSVP to trey@]treyka.net is much appreciated. If you feel so inclined, grab some snacks or a drink to share with the group. If you know of anyone who would make a good guest speaker for a future meetup (or if you have a suggestion for a topic), please let us know!


FoAM - Brussels, Koolmijnenkaai 30-34, 1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, Brussels, Belgium
Get directions: Google maps
